Alrighty guys, every forum needs rules. This one included.
1. There will be no spamming. You get two warnings, and then you're banned for a period of time depending on the severity of your spam.
2. DO NOT advertise other sites, if you do , you will be banned permanently.
3. Be nice. Yes, that means, no cursing or being rude to others, okay?
4. Do not post anything inappropriate, please. We're all in high school now, so I KNOW I don't need to elaborate.
5. Please don't make one word posts, or something really unnecessary. If you do, it will be considered as Spam, and you will get a warning for that.
6. NO DOUBLE POSTING. This is a definite no. If you need to add something, edit your post. The edit button is on the top right corner of your post.
7. NO SOCK PUPPETS. This means you can't create another account for yourself just to raise poll votes or something of the like. Stick with one account. If you absolutely want a name change or something, PM me, I'll change your name if nobody else on the forum has it.
If I think up of anymore, I'll be sure to post it here, but for now, these are the only forum rules.